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Education Classes

Self-management is confidence in the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent complications and lead a healthy life with diabetes. It is the ability to successfully manage your diabetes.People with diabetes need to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest advances in diabetes care and treatment. The knowledge and special skills required for proper management of diabetes will help you to enjoy all that life has to offer. From controlling blood sugar levels to the basics of meal planning, you can take better control of your diabetes and avoid the complications that people with diabetes often experience.

The Center for Diabetes Education has designed a series of classes for people with diabetes who need to learn how to manage their condition. These classes are conveniently offered on an ongoing basis.

Support Groups meet every month except July and August. Every 3rd Monday from 6:30PM-7:30PM- Diabetes in Check.

Every 4th Tuesday from 12:00PM-1:00PM-(lunch provided).

Services: one-on-one weight loss counseling.

Medical Nutrition Therapy

Insulin Pump therapy

Glucometer use and how to use your blood sugar results

Individual and group diabetes counseling and education.

Group diabetes education sessions

Comprehensive Diabetes education is provided in two ways:  Patients can attend either  program A or program B. Program A consists of   four 2 hour group  sessions and two, 1 hour individual sessions. Program B consists of one, 5 hour group session and one, 2hour individual sessions.

Patients attending the diabetes program will meet with the RN and the RD both whom are Certified Diabetes Educators.

Proper Foot Care: A Step in the Right Direction

Diabetic foot care is an integral part of managing diabetes. Prevention and treatment of lower extremity complications brought on by diabetes are important to maintaining overall good health. Our healthcare team provides patient education programs focusing on proper diabetic foot care. Physician Referral Service (800.972.4023) can provide you with the name of podiatrists associated with St. Anthony Community Hospital who specialize in diabetic foot care.

Taking Care of your Eyes

Proper eye care for people with diabetes is another major concern. Elevated blood sugar levels can cause retinopathy, an eye disease caused by diabetes, which can become serious, and if left untreated, may lead to blindness. Our Center for Diabetes Education healthcare professionals provide you with information on proper diabetic eye care and the importance of regular checkups. In addition, our 24 hour Physician Referral Service can provide you with the names of ophthalmologists associated with St. Anthony Community Hospital who are well experienced in detecting and treating retinopathy. Please call 1.800.972.4023 if you need to be referred to an ophthalmologist who can assist you in taking proper care of your eyes.